Color Space Light : Chomatic light in motion

Color Space Light is an object designed by a London-based designer and craftsman Louie Rigano. An ambient lighting object that integrates a digital color space within an physical, analogue form. Coloured light is created in a space through physical engagement with the object. The object composed by diffusion film, acrylic rod,  and LEDs.

Color Space Light is an ambient lighting object that integrates a digital color space within an physical, analogue form. Coloured light is created in a space through physical engagement with the object.

Color Spaces are specific organizations of color; models which allow for reproducible representations of color in both analog and digital formats. Here, a virtual model is created in physical space. While color changing LEDs exist, the objects that contain them often fail to have any relation to their function.

Color Space Light aims to make its color changing function resonate with its form: a decorative hanging scroll. A gradient, printed on diffusion film, is rolled over a light source. The proportion and positioning of the gradient allow the specific ordering of CMY colors to overlap in just the right orientation, physically layering and mixing to create a full spectrum of colors.

Watch Color Space Light in motion below.

Niche Chathong
A Multi-disclipline Designer and Social network communication strategist who have an eagle-eye for living trends.

Milan Design Week 2016 Archives


PULSAR: The chemical transformation light